Air Heat Pump And House

Heat Pump 101: Ways to Extend Life Expectancy in Williamsport, MD

October 10, 2020

Buying a heat pump in Williamsport, MD is a significant investment. That’s why it is a good idea to take care of your heat pump so it can last for several years. Explore these four tips that can help you maximize your heat pump’s life expectancy.

Replace Your System’s Air Filters

Many homeowners underestimate the importance of air filters. They keep air flowing throughout your home. Heat pumps depend on clean air filters to function properly.

Check the condition of your air filters regularly. If necessary, change them at least once a month. Buying new air filters is a small price to pay to extend the life of your heat pump.

Schedule Maintenance Services

Contrary to popular belief, a maintenance service involves more than inspections. Heat pump maintenance services may include:

  • Cleaning parts
  • Diagnosing heat pump issues
  • Lubricating parts
  • Thermostat testing
  • Tightening wires
  • Replacing air filters

Regular heat pump maintenance can lower energy costs. It can prevent minor problems from becoming bigger ones. Maintenance can reduce repair costs throughout the life of your heat pump.

Keep the Heat Pump’s Condenser Clean

The condenser is the part of your heat pump system that is outside your home. Leaves, dirt and dust particles can build up on the sides of it. Clean it regularly and keep bushes away from it.

Repair Heat Pump Problems Immediately

As soon as you notice a problem with your system, schedule a repair service. Common problems include uneven heating, poor indoor air quality and frequent cycling. A small repair problem can cause your entire system to malfunction.

Schedule Heat Pump Maintenance Today

If it has been a while since your heat pump’s last maintenance service, count on our technicians for professional service. Our technicians provide prompt and professional services. Contact Care Services Inc. to schedule a heating service today.

Image provided by iStock

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